Dates & times – every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 12PM PT / 1PM MT / 3PM ET / 9PM German
We will be leading an open-ended reading and discussion of Sri Aurobindo’s “Synthesis of Yoga” with a focus on the practice of integral yoga as this finds expression in Sri Aurobindo’s work. A virtual meeting will be held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday until the book is fully read. The group is open to all participants.
We will typically read one or more subsections of each chapter in each session. We will read these aloud, each participant reading one paragraph in turn, and then discuss what we have read at the end of each section (eventually clarifying it with quotations from other writings of Sri Aurobindo such as the Letters on Yoga, the Life Divine, Savitri, etc. ). Each session will begin with a five-minute meditation and end with a shorter meditation. Participants are encouraged to think about how the material applies to their everyday lives and to share aspects of these as this becomes possible. Even though not necessary, it may help participants to read the relevant chapter ahead of time.
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