A collection of aphorisms by a contemporary adept of the form, these bite-size poems reflect on the nature of art, wisdom, love, technology, and spirituality through a modern and yet timeless lens.
See What You Think About This
See What You Think About This is not only an invitation to read, but a beckoning. It’s a lure to peek behind the curtain, and dares you to see if you can see what the author intended.
Meditations on the Slave Gospels
“I wrote the meditations with the intention of translating the trauma of slavery to the page, and it did came out like an eco-graphic card; with no straight lines; no reservations.”
Interpreting Darren Aronofsky’s “mother!”
A series of writing and conversations exploring the many layers, folds, complexities, and intensities of director Darren Aronofsky’s disturbing tale of home invasion: mother!with: jf martel, caroline savery, john davis, geoffrey edwards, brigid burke, …
Transmuting the Trumpocalypse
The essays in this series are concerned with how the monstrous, epic drama of our present-day reality is animated by subtle winds of power—namely life power (innate) and meme power (dependent on life power). We will explo …
The Mythopoetic Mind of Plato
We are always living in a story, always present in a myth. The key is to possess mindfulness towards worldviews and their presence in the awakened self—they are analytical frameworks of the mind that first allow the universe to be experienced in a specific manner and then formulated into pure, specific “understandings” about the nature of that universe.
Reality is Analog: Philosophizing with Stranger Things
J.F. Martel takes a deeper look at the hit Netflix series Stranger Things (season 1).